3 Ways To Make Or Break A Habit

It is well known that it usually takes about 21-30 days to create a new habit. That’s why if you are one of the many people who created a resolution this year and already broke it or is struggling to hold on, you’re not alone. This is the perfect time to get back on track or decide if your goal is worth holding on to.

Some tips for creating and sticking to resolutions throughout the year. Tackling this process to make or break a habit can be done with 3 steps:

  1. Break resolutions into 12 months. Try focusing on one resolution per month with action items that build upon that goal or resolution. Then, track your progress over the course of the year, starting fresh every new month with a new resolution. With this method it’s possible create at least a dozen new habits over the course of the year.
  2. Make the goal specific. If the resolution is too vague or unmotivating, you probably won’t do it. For example, if you want to “Lose weight,” this concept alone might make it difficult. Instead, break down what it takes to lose weight into smaller goals (i.e., take a 30 minute walk before work, eat vegetables with dinner) and then track your progress. You could even take an entire year and build on this theme every month.
  3. Find someone to hold you accountable. This could be a group of friends, or a person you talk to on the phone once per month. Having an accountability person keeps you honest and moving forward. This person can also help you know if your goal is meaningful or if you need to drop it and try something else. 

Remember too that resolutions don’t have to be serious or like climbing a mountain Resolving to “Have more fun” could be the best thing you do this year! 

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