Fall Is For Reflection – Not Depression

Fall is a time of reflection for many; a time for looking inward and taking stock. For some however, it’s can also be a gloomy time of year, leading to depression. For some mothers in particular, once the hectic pace of the back-to-school season comes to an end, and life begins to settle down a […]

Do You Have An Attitude Of Gratitude?

One of the things I used to better visualize my ideas, dreams, and goals was to practice being grateful. When I was first starting my business I had a written goal to meditate and give thanks and gratitude for all that I have in my life—twice per day. This practice instilled a mindset to receive […]

Practicing The Art Of Giving Back

This act of giving to another person or charity can create a great deal of positive energy flowing into your life. It has been noted that the giver (and not the receiver) actually gets greater amounts of positive energy, which in turn, amplifies happiness and optimism. That means that giving truly is better than receiving! […]

What Have You Given Lately?

One of the best ways to feel better if you are feeling down, or like you don’t have enough, is to give to others, rather than focusing on lack. Most people have much more than they realize—and giving is like shining a light on what is real and true. If you don’t give very often—or […]

When Problems Are Blessings In Disguise

It has been said that some of the biggest problems people face can end up being the greatest blessings in disguise. Of course in the middle of difficultly and strife, it is very hard to see this as true. However, when you look back at some of your hardest moments years later, they seem to […]