5 Tips For Success In Your New Year’s Resolution

Often, coping with stress is about not setting yourself up for failure. For example, setting goals for yourself that you know you’re unlikely to reach can make every day more stressful. As we head into a New Year, this becomes more problematic, especially if your New Year’s Resolution centers on something you’re fairly certain you […]

Laser Coaching Is Back!

We are doing it again! Offering a chance to work with Satinder and Cheryl in a 2 Day Intensive Laser Coaching event designed to make your business expand in quantum leaps! Its going to be great and its at the beautiful Old Mill Inn. Its going to fill up fast because there’s only 15 spots […]

The Keys To Finding Your Purpose, Pt. 2

One of the cornerstones of finding your purpose is that you feel good inside. When you are in alignment with the Universe itself, it’s like you’re on the red carpet with life. There are still bumps along the way, but mostly the path is filled with smiles and smooth sailing. Too often, however, we think […]

The Keys To Finding Your Purpose, Pt. 1

What is your life’s purpose? A lot of people struggle with this question while trying to find the career and circumstances that fit. For some, finding purpose is an ongoing challenge, especially with the pressures of every day life and making a good living; others seem to know from the start what they want.    Many […]

Why It Matters What You Believe

A belief is something this is viewed as being true by a person. It may or may not be true in reality, but if a person believes it is true, it will feel like a fact. For example, you could take two people of the same age in the same job: One person might believe, […]

What Do You Believe About Change?

Everyone has the ability to change thought patterns and belief systems. This is incredibly freeing to realize because it means that no person is a victim, except of their old, outdated beliefs. It doesn’t matter how young or old you are, the mind is like a sponge. It absorbs the predominant thoughts and emotions and […]

Align Yourself With The Law Of Attraction

Most of us have heard about the Law of Attraction thanks to the movie The Secret. It is the idea that everything in your life is attracted to you based on what you are thinking. Basically, “like attracts like.” It’s also the idea that whatever you give a lot of attention to will manifest in […]

Turn Mental Blocks Into Stepping Stones

One of the things I’ll be teaching at the Breaking Barriers to Success laser coaching event is how turn mental blocks into stepping stones. Mental blocks are those barriers that limit growth in different areas of your life. If you are blocking your own success, you might feel frustrated in your job, unable to follow […]

Time Management Tips For Success

If it feels to you like you’re constantly in a time crunch or with a giant to-do list, time management will help you feel more in control of your life. The idea is to use your time efficiently, prioritize, and stay organized. Here are some time management tips to use: 1. Be Efficient: People who […]

Are You Connected To Your Authentic Self?

At one point or another, some people lose touch with their authentic self. This is the real you and your inner essence. When you step aside from your ego and mind chatter, your authentic self emerges. When you are constantly thinking the past or the future, it is harder to connect with your authentic self. […]