Positive Mindset Is The Key To Happiness And Success

Did you know that success is a product of happiness – not the other way ‘round? According to former Harvard professor and author Shawn Achor, we’ve been thinking about success and happiness backward for millennia; that hard work and success will lead to happiness. As he explains in his book The Happiness Advantage, and this […]

5 Tips For Success In Your New Year’s Resolution

Often, coping with stress is about not setting yourself up for failure. For example, setting goals for yourself that you know you’re unlikely to reach can make every day more stressful. As we head into a New Year, this becomes more problematic, especially if your New Year’s Resolution centers on something you’re fairly certain you […]

Join A Laughter Club

Today I wish to offer something a bit different in our consideration of laughter as tool for stress relief. Beginning in 1995, laughter yoga has begun to make an impression worldwide. It is a form of exercise developed by Dr. Madan Kataria, a Physician from Mumbai, India designed to promote spiritual healing and a sense […]

How Humour Generates A Positive Mindset

  The Healing Power of Laughter series Part 2 of 2 How Humour Generates a Positive Mindset In the first post on Humour and Stress, I explained how the latest research has shown that laughter has powerful, positive physical effects on the body. However, that is not the only way that a good sense of […]

The Joke’s On Us – Laughter Reduces Stress

  The Healing Power of Laughter series Part 1 of 2 The Joke’s on Us – Laughter Reduces Stress While working on the Happiness Series recently I came across a quotation that made me grin and gave me pause, causing me to consider the role of laughter and humour in stress relief – and in […]

The Law Of Conscious Detachment

By now, most people have at least heard of the Universal Law of Attachment, the notion that “like attracts like,” and that positivity will attract positive results, while negativity will attract negative results. The Law of Conscious Detachment is a compliment to the Law of Attraction, aiding us in the use of this law. The […]

The Danger Of Emotional Attachment

What happens if you don’t get the house you’ve always dreamed of? Or the perfect job, the perfect car, or the perfect life partner? Can you still live with yourself if you “fail” in acquiring these things? What damage might you be doing to your self-image if you constantly “fail” at acquiring all of these […]

Understanding The Law Of Volition

Human beings are beings of will; that is, their actions are willful, and they are responsible for those actions – always. The Law of Volition states that your actions belong only to you, and the choices you make, the choice to act or not to act; the choice to do good, or not to do […]

Cultivate Kindness This Spring

We are in the season of growth and renewal, the season in which everything is new and beautiful, and where anything is possible. The Universal Life Force is bursting at the seams with a life renewing energy and what we, as individuals, should be doing is cleaning out the negative energy we hold towards others, […]

Are You Living Life To The Fullest Yet?

Living life to the fullest is actually easier than we think. It’s not about taking constant vacations or retiring to travel around the world. A full life involves balance between work, play, family, and leisure time. What encompasses a FULL life is the sense that you’re fulfilled on many levels. It means being the most […]