Spirit Guides And Angel Readings

For most of my life I have been in touch with my guiding Spirits and Higher Self. I tried to turn off these visions when I was a child because I found them to be a bit unnerving, and did not understand what was happening or how to use my gifts. As an adult I […]

How To Overcome Resistance To Spiritual Growth

Many people express the desire to grow spiritually, yet they resist the steps required to get there. Why? Simply, because these steps take them outside their spiritual comfort zone; requiring them to examine their lives, thought processes, and belief systems. This is not an easy thing to do yet, as human beings; we do have […]

The Law Of Conscious Detachment

By now, most people have at least heard of the Universal Law of Attachment, the notion that “like attracts like,” and that positivity will attract positive results, while negativity will attract negative results. The Law of Conscious Detachment is a compliment to the Law of Attraction, aiding us in the use of this law. The […]

The Danger Of Emotional Attachment

What happens if you don’t get the house you’ve always dreamed of? Or the perfect job, the perfect car, or the perfect life partner? Can you still live with yourself if you “fail” in acquiring these things? What damage might you be doing to your self-image if you constantly “fail” at acquiring all of these […]

Cultivate Kindness This Spring

We are in the season of growth and renewal, the season in which everything is new and beautiful, and where anything is possible. The Universal Life Force is bursting at the seams with a life renewing energy and what we, as individuals, should be doing is cleaning out the negative energy we hold towards others, […]

Spiritual Truths For Your Journey

When starting a path of self-discovery there are some surprises along the way. Working on improving ourselves or finding a spiritual path does not mean that everything is going to be easy or that we’ll get a free ride. In fact, sometimes shining a light on what is happening inside ourselves can actually cause some […]