Positive Mindset Is The Key To Happiness And Success

Did you know that success is a product of happiness – not the other way ‘round? According to former Harvard professor and author Shawn Achor, we’ve been thinking about success and happiness backward for millennia; that hard work and success will lead to happiness. As he explains in his book The Happiness Advantage, and this […]

Why Change Is Frightening

If you’re unhappy, it makes sense to make changes to your life that will lead to increased happiness. Yet change can be frightening, as evidenced that so few actually do make those changes in their lives. Understanding your fear of change is the first step to enabling yourself to change your life for the better. […]

New Year, New Life – Following Through On Your Resolutions

It’s that time of year again, when many of us consider making major changes to our lives, with resolutions to “Be happier,” “Make a difference in the world,” “Earn more money,” Be a better parent/life partner,” “Get more exercise,” “Lose weight,” and many more. Unfortunately, while many of us resolve to “do something” to improve […]

Join A Laughter Club

Today I wish to offer something a bit different in our consideration of laughter as tool for stress relief. Beginning in 1995, laughter yoga has begun to make an impression worldwide. It is a form of exercise developed by Dr. Madan Kataria, a Physician from Mumbai, India designed to promote spiritual healing and a sense […]

How To Overcome Resistance To Spiritual Growth

Many people express the desire to grow spiritually, yet they resist the steps required to get there. Why? Simply, because these steps take them outside their spiritual comfort zone; requiring them to examine their lives, thought processes, and belief systems. This is not an easy thing to do yet, as human beings; we do have […]

The Law Of Conscious Detachment

By now, most people have at least heard of the Universal Law of Attachment, the notion that “like attracts like,” and that positivity will attract positive results, while negativity will attract negative results. The Law of Conscious Detachment is a compliment to the Law of Attraction, aiding us in the use of this law. The […]

How To Get Comfortable With Making Changes – Big Or Small

The most successful people that most of us know are those who are accomplished at dealing with change and, since change is the only constant in life, it’s a good idea for all of us to improve the way we deal with it. If you’re having trouble dealing with change, or if you wish to […]

The Danger Of Emotional Attachment

What happens if you don’t get the house you’ve always dreamed of? Or the perfect job, the perfect car, or the perfect life partner? Can you still live with yourself if you “fail” in acquiring these things? What damage might you be doing to your self-image if you constantly “fail” at acquiring all of these […]

Do You Have The Power To Change? Yes You Do!

Really, I do? Yes, you do, in your mind and in your heart; you have the power to change. Do you regularly feel unhappy? Do you spend your days feeling angry and resentful? Are most people you meet “just too stupid to live?” You need an attitude adjustment. You need to make some changes. Being […]

Resolve To Be Resolute With Your New Year’s Resolutions

Deciding to make a change in your life is not the end of the change process, it is merely the beginning. Committing to make a change, and following through on that commitment, is the next step you must take to be successful. If your resolution for the New Year happens to be to reduce stress […]