Tame Your “Mental Chatter” Wild Beast

Our thoughts are always flowing, so we can’t escape them. Unfortunately, a lot of thoughts end up creating negative mental chatter. Most of the time we aren’t even aware when we’re thinking negatively. What we will notice is a sense of dread, anxiety, sadness, or just an overall sense that things are not right. When […]

Living Your Life To The Fullest – What It Means

Living your life to the fullest means embracing your divine essence. This is your authentic self with all of your unique qualities. It is the person you cannot help but express. When you are experiencing life from this lens, you can’t help but be guided by your loving spirit and the Universe. Living a full […]

Are You Connected To Your Authentic Self?

At one point or another, some people lose touch with their authentic self. This is the real you and your inner essence. When you step aside from your ego and mind chatter, your authentic self emerges. When you are constantly thinking the past or the future, it is harder to connect with your authentic self. […]

5 Ways To Be More Authentic And Real

Being authentic means living as the real you. If you’re wondering who this person is, try some of the suggestions below. These are practical ways you can become aligned with living more authentically. You can spend a day, an hour, or a moment in these activities. Interestingly, the more you are authentic the more other […]

Getting In Touch With Your Authentic Self

The real you is a person unlike anyone else. This person is totally unique and wonderful, yet so few of us are in touch with our authentic selves. What seems to happen is that overtime, we stop listening to our own voices and instead make choices based on cultural norms: go to school, get a […]