12 Things Happy People Do

So far in this series of posts on Happiness, we’ve gotten pretty deep. We’ve looked at the mind and the heart; we’ve examined the tool of mediation; we’ve even examined the nature of reality. That’s some heavy stuff! In an effort to lighten things up a bit, and to help you with some practical tools, […]

The Pursuit Of Happiness Requires The Acceptance Of Reality

In my previous post, we discussed the use of meditation as a tool to find clarity of mind and purpose; as well as the path to an open heart. We examined the ways in which clear thinking, spontaneity of action, caring for others, and clarity of thought can lead to an ongoing sense of joy […]

Finding Happiness Vs. Being Happy

For many, the goal of life is to “Be happy.” This begs the question, is “being happy” even possible? Is happiness, as an end in itself, even possible? Is it a worthy, achievable goal, or is it pie-in-the sky thinking? Is happiness a state of mind, or of the heart, or of the spirit? Or […]

How To Overcome Fear And Resistance To Positive Change

If, as we’ve discovered in our Blog Series on Resistance, the foundation of resistance is fear, what is the key to overcoming that fear, and that resistance? Is it simply ignoring the fear? Should you try to become “fearless” instead of fearful? Does overcoming fear require bravery? In a way, the answer is “Yes,” to […]

How To Overcome Resistance To Spiritual Growth

Many people express the desire to grow spiritually, yet they resist the steps required to get there. Why? Simply, because these steps take them outside their spiritual comfort zone; requiring them to examine their lives, thought processes, and belief systems. This is not an easy thing to do yet, as human beings; we do have […]

Resistance To Reason

Resistance to change is pervasive, most commonly due to preconceived notions of reality and deeply ingrained belief systems. While it is true that your reality is very real for you, in fact, it may not correspond to the real world at all. This is where fact and feelings can collide, creating cognitive dissonance, which results […]

Why We Resist Change To Our Belief Systems

Children learn many things while growing up, both good and bad. Behaviors are learned and beliefs are deeply implanted from a very young age, both consciously and unconsciously. As a result, these beliefs and behaviors become the foundation upon which we build our lives as adults. Changing the very foundation upon which you live is […]

How To Overcome Resistance To Change

Overcoming resistance to change takes work, whether you are trying to make changes in your own life or are trying to effect changes in the life of a loved one. However, the good news is, it definitely can be done, as long as you are willing to put in the effort. Much of what we […]

Why We Are Resistant To Change

In spite of the fact that just about the only thing we can be certain of in life is that things will change, human beings are highly resistant to change; even when that change may benefit them. Is this simply human nature, or is it a learned behavior? The answer is this, anything you say, […]

Three Choices For Action In Any Situation

Three choices for action in any situation It’s time to get rid of some grey areas here. As I explain in my book Just Give Your Head A Shake, how we are treated by others depends largely on our own actions, just as our actions are dependent upon our beliefs and perceptions. If you believe […]