Mental Health Day

Bell Canada is promoting the discussion of mental health this month with their annual Bell Let’s Talk Day program. On February 8, will donate 5¢ to mental health organizations across Canada. Their hope is to encourage a national conversation about mental health, in order to increase awareness, reduce the stigma attached to mental illness, […]

3 Questions You Must Ask For Lasting Love

How do you really know if he or she is The One? Is it just a strong feeling or is any of it based in logic? Have you heard those stories of people recognizing “soulmate” and wondering how on earth they can know for sure? Surprisingly, lasting love does go beyond emotions and has some […]

What If Your Love Story Isn’t A Fairy Tale?

When you are in love, a profound change occurs inside you. And it is not just the chemical reaction and strong feelings, but a change in how you think and see the world. It can be a huge transition for a single person who is accustomed to thinking for “me” to start thinking in a […]

Getting A Grip On Emotions

Romantic relationships are the most emotionally-charged parts of our lives. When there is a lot at stake, we realize at our core that these relationships contain the possibilities of our greatest happiness, and also our greatest losses. This is an area where negative emotions tend to fester and where our worst behaviors can manifest. Highly-charged […]

Way To Fix A Broken Relationship

Most of us have dealt with a relationship break up at one time or another, but for many couples repairing what is wrong and facing the problems to stay together is important. A lot of things can be done to keep a relationship alive. If both people are willing to work together and take responsibility […]

3 Tips To Start A Meditation Practice

If you haven’t experienced the peace and tranquility that comes from meditation, consider starting a practice. Meditation allows us to tap into an inner peace that comes from going inward and connecting with a higher source. Through a regular practice, people find that they feel calmer, more peaceful, and happier. Here are some tips for […]

Stuck In A Rut? Here’s The Way Out

Too often, people get stuck in a rut when a change needs to happen. A lot of us brush this “rut” off as not a big deal and something that we can passively wait to blow on by. However, that helpless feeling of being stuck can really take a toll. When a change that needs […]

The Keys To Finding Your Purpose, Pt. 1

What is your life’s purpose? A lot of people struggle with this question while trying to find the career and circumstances that fit. For some, finding purpose is an ongoing challenge, especially with the pressures of every day life and making a good living; others seem to know from the start what they want.    Many […]

2 Day Laser Coaching Intensive Event

I am absolutely thrilled to let all of you know that I have been busy putting together an extraordinary event with my friend and colleague Satinder Arora who is an Executive Business Coach. Both of us are very Spirit Centred Entrepreneurs and we actually came up with this idea over a cup of tea one day. Satinder […]

How To Recognize Seasonal Affective Disorder

In the winter months, many people experience seasonal depression or the winter blues. The lack of sunlight and time spent indoors combined with shorter days can cause this problem to appear at the same time each year. If you have a seasonal depression, which is also known as seasonal affective disorder, you might notice a […]