Getting In Touch With Your Authentic Self

The real you is a person unlike anyone else. This person is totally unique and wonderful, yet so few of us are in touch with our authentic selves. What seems to happen is that overtime, we stop listening to our own voices and instead make choices based on cultural norms: go to school, get a […]

Living Life To The Fullest

It’s interesting this time of year, or any time the seasons start to change, to observe the changes around us. There are the tiniest of buds on the trees and above the dirt and cold ground there’s some shades of green again. It’s really amazing to observe this cycle that goes on in nature. To […]

Finding Your Dreams

What would it be like to live a life without dreams? Many of us have grown up with different ideas about what it means to have a dream. For some people, their dreams are hopes or wishes, but they don’t really believe they’ll ever achieve them. For others, their dreams are seen as pursuable and […]

In The Belly Of The Beast

I wanted to share an article that I was featured on from the Boston Herald called “In the Belly of the Beast”.   The topic is about Tiger Woods and his journey to re-enlightenment.  Click here to read the article and don’t forget to comment on this post to tell me your thoughts.

Get Over Those Limiting Beliefs

If you want to change anything, you need to first understand what you believe. Take anything in your life and write out what you really, firmly believe. For example, you might really believe that you are a shy person. This belief might be such a part of you that it appears to be a fact […]

You Have The Power To Change

So many of us want to change, but change can be very difficult. It often seems like you take one step forward and two steps back. Any significant change requires work. You can’t just sit back with the remote in your hand and expect big changes to happen. You have to actually work to make […]

When It’s Time To Let It Go: Which Goals Are Really Important To You?

Without goal setting, it’s hard to find satisfaction in life. You first have to know what you want and then start plotting for that direction. Sometimes, though, it seems like there can be too much of a good thing. Is your resolution list for the next year 20 pages long? Are you really a super […]

Cheryl Hitchcock On CP24 Live

Are You An Emotional Eater?

Are your emotions making you fat? Cheryl Hitchock featured on My Fox Orlando on “Emotional Eating”

A New Years Resolution Is Like Car Maintenance – Well, Kind Of!

New years resolutions have been all the buzz, but as you probably know, in a few short weeks everyone will be moving on new things—unless they have a plan for maintaining their resolutions. When you’re caught up in the hope and anticipation of the new year it’s easy to get caught up in keeping resolutions […]