How To Receive A Healthy Dose Of Faith

If you open yourself to receive, the Universe will provide you with everything that you need. This includes faith. As I say in my book Just Give Your Head a Shake:  “I knew by the time I was a teenager that I had an innate ability to analyze human behavior. I could tell when people were not being ‘real in spite of how they projected themselves to the world. But I didn’t know what to do with it until I opened my mind to receive direction from the Universe.”

It’s hard to know what you feel deep inside when you’re out of touch with your body. Starting a mindful meditation practice where you focus on breathing and staying in the present moment gives you strength to choose faith. These sessions connect you to your deeper knowing and the Universe.Here are some tips on how to receive faith and direction from the Universe in your own life:

  • Listen for “yes.” This means listening to your intuition and regarding it with a healthy dose of respect. Start noticing when things “feel right,” make you excited, make you lose track of time, and increase your energy. That means you’re headed in a positive direction.
  • Start a meditation practice. It’s hard to know what you feel deep inside when you’re out of touch with your body. Starting a mindful meditation practice where you focus on breathing and staying in the present moment gives you strength to choose faith. These sessions connect you to your deeper knowing and the Universe.
  • Live virtuously. This means choosing to live and think positively, including giving back to the world and reacting to negativity with loving kindness. While you don’t have to be like Mother Teresa, choose to start today by making attempts to give back and create joy.

Now that you have some tips on how to find faith and take direction from the Universe, start acting on those gut feelings and realize that anything is possible!

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